
Buildings & Grounds Council

Bill Merrill & Herb Cottrell, co-chairs

[email protected] ATTN: Bill

The Building & Grounds Council is responsible for maintenance of all church property and overseeing repairs and renovations. 


The Rev. Luoma, Sadie Prinsen-Administrative Assistant

Tim: [email protected]

Sadie: [email protected]

The Communications Team is responsible for FPC’s social media, remote viewing of worship services, and our newsletter The Pulse.

The E-Team (The Evangelism Council)

Terri Mahoney, Chairperson and Session representative

[email protected]

The Evangelism Council, or E-Team for short, is our outreach team that makes our community aware of the mission of our church and invites them to become involved in the Church Community.

Hospitality Crew

Karen Merrill, Chairperson

[email protected] ATTN: Karen

The Hospitality Crew oversees the Sunday Morning Fellowship Time following worship services, the kitchen in general, and assists other councils with their social events as needed.

Local Mission Council

Nancy Olsen, chairperson

[email protected]

The Local Mission Council identifies and encourages participation in activities to meet the needs of the local community and supports community programs in which the Church is involved, such as the Interfaith Food Shelf.

Stewardship Council

Rob Meisenheimer, chairperson

[email protected]

The Stewardship Council interprets the local and wider church mission, and is responsible for the annual  stewardship giving campaign as well as encouraging stewardship through giving of time and talent.

Worship & Music Council

Jennie Booth, chairperson

[email protected]

The Worship and Music Council works with the Pastor and Director of Music in the planning of weekly and special  worship services, as well as special music events. 

Youth & Education Council

Kerry Haley, chairperson

[email protected]

The Youth & Education Council provides family friendly activities for all generations, and supports education programs to nurture our faith.